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Celebrating Innovative Australian Exporters​

Celebrating Innovative Australian Exporters The Australian Export Awards is a national program that celebrates the achievements of Australia’s most outstanding, innovative and inspiring exporters, and the far‑reaching impact they have on the nation’s economy. Now in its 62nd year, this is one of Australia’s most prestigious and


Kelly Crossley Nominated for WA Member of the Year for IFCBAA​

Kelly Crossley Nominated for WA Member of the Year for IFCBAA International Forwarders & Customs Brokers Association of Australia Ltd (IFCBAA) honours excellence within the business and individual membership. It acknowledges the hard work and dedication of the industry and the association’s members.  There is nothing

FORaMEAL: Shipment of dry goods packs to Sri Lanka

In the Rotary Year 2023-2024, the club was successful in securing a District 9810 Rotary Foundation Grant (DG18 part of DG223654), valued at $3,000 to undertake a shipment of FORaMEAL packs to Sri Lanka. The final club contribution to this successful project was $3,581.69 with unspent

Minister Burke is not much help for the DP Word Crisis

As noted in the latest update from FTA ( Freight Trade Alliance ), the ongoing battle continues.  Latest updates and media are as follows direct from FTA: Last week saw some interesting developments in the ongoing industrial dispute between DP world and the Maritime Union of

Red Sea Disruptions Impacting Australia-Europe Trade – Strategic Briefing/Update

The security dynamics have become aggravated in the Red Sea region owning to escalated animosities from Houthi insurgents reinforced by Iran, which leads to considerable intervention in maritime traffic and a consequential emergence in global costs. Hence, a collaboration including the United States, European nations, Bahrain,

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The strikes at DP World continued a week before Christmas, causing havoc. 

With no end in sight to the ongoing Protected Industrial Action (PIA) disrupting national operations at DP World container terminals, the Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) are stepping up media coverage. As a starting point, coverage in the Australian

Container freight issues squeezing SMES 

Special Feature Container freight issues squeezing SMES Shipping delays and cost blowouts are hitting suppliers’ bottom lines after COVID-19 triggered a series of supply chain disruptions around the globe. But is there an end in sight? Claire Tyrrell explores Kelly Crossley has spent the past two

Australia – United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement

What you need to know Commencement The Australia UK FTA will commence on 31 May 2023. For imports to Australia it will apply to goods imported after this date and goods imported before this date where the date for determining customs duty has not yet passed.

Measures for Brown marmorated stink bug – Transitainer

BMSB seasonal measures will apply to targeted goods manufactured in or shipped from target risk countries, that have been shipped between 1 September and 30 April (inclusive), and to vessels that berth, load, or tranship from target risk countries within the same period. What does this

International supply chain webinar with Kelly Crossley

This online, interactive webinar will be a deep dive into the importance and function of the global supply chain and the opportunities for women to consider this vital sector as a brilliant, challenging and rewarding career choice. Director, Lyn Hawkins from BWA (Business Women Australia) will