Kelly Crossley Expresses Her Concerns for DP World Port Dispute

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  • Kelly Crossley Expresses Her Concerns for DP World Port Dispute

Kelly Crossley, the owner of Transitainer WA based in Perth, has been interviewed for “The Australian’ by Tansy Harcourt. She has shared some apprehensions concerning the ongoing DP World Port dispute, which is not coming to an end. This dispute is affecting businesses and trades in the worst way possible.

 Kelly Crossley, a veteran freight forwarder, shares her concerns, fears and current circumstances. Voicing her concern about current markets, Kelly Crossley states, “I have a food client who supplies supermarkets who is getting hit from these strikes, and they are running out of stock.” The fiasco is affecting businesses and the government have been warned to soon expect empty shelves in shops if the DP World Ports dispute is not resolved at the earliest.

“It’s a nightmare” continued Ms. Crossley. “Every day Australians are not seeing the impact and understanding the ramifications of what this is doing to the economy, to importers, exporter. It’s crazy.”

She is extremely concerned about the waterfront disputes, which she says, “is the worst I’ve ever seen.”

The Impact is seen with carriers already cutting back their Australian services, which causes space issues and price increases.

Ms. Crossley added comments, “It costs hundreds of thousands to have vessels idling, even for a day, so the shipping lines will eventually get fed up.”

Lastly, Ms. Kelly asserts that this dispute needs to be stopped for the better future of the supply chain.

For more information, read the article linked below.