CTAA Announces Extreme Congestion at DP World Melbourne Terminal

CTAA announces extreme congestion at DP World Melbourne terminal

The Container Transport Alliance Australia (CTAA) has revealed that landside logistics operators are continuing to experience extreme congestion at DP World’s West Swanson Terminal (WST) in the Port of Melbourne.

For weeks, DP World has been undertaking construction works to reconfigure the landside truck grids within the terminal, meaning approximately 35 per cent of landside capacity has been removed.

Alongside these constraints, DP World also has a very heavy program of vessel arrivals in previous weeks, with 20 vessels expected both before and after June 7.

This has led to truck turnaround times have extended, with some shift out to more than four hours.

DP World WST has now subcontracted CMA CGM Quelimane to the Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) with a partial discharge of imports at WST, with the remainder of the imports being handled through VICT.

This means that some operators may have needed to cancel plans for import pick-ups from WST and instead reschedule import deliveries from VICT.

DP World last week also had to reboot its entire IT system at WST, adding to the delays.

Once DP World completes its landside terminal reconfiguration, the flow of vehicles is expected to drastically improve.

The CTAA says freight forwarders, importers and exporters should speak with their container transport providers about the impact of the delays.

Source: https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/ctaa-announces-extreme-congestion-at-dp-world-melbourne-terminal/